The project

In 2019, the Centre for LGBTIQ+ Equality (Koordinierungsstelle zur Gleichstellung von LGBTIQ*) launched a partnership with the Munich Police, following a session at the City Council on the issue of hate crime.
Other partners involved in the project are:
- Strong! – LGBTIQ+ Centre Against Violence and Discrimination
- LeTRa – Beratungsstelle des LesCommunity e. V. Help and support for lesbian and bisexual women
- Trans*Inter*Beratungsstelle – Help and support for trans and intersex people and their families
- Sub – Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e. V.
- diversity München e. V. – Lesbian, Bi, Gay and Trans Youth Organisation
The Centre for LGBTIQ+ Equality, the Munich Police and Strong! make up the steering committee in charge of managing the project.
The following areas were identified as key issues:
- Taking action to build trust between the police and the LGBTIQ+ community
- Awareness-raising and sensitivity training within the police force
- Improving the reporting of anti-LGBTIQ+ crimes
The project has no fixed end date. Historically, the relationship between the community and law enforcement, and the police in particular, has tended to be a negative one. It is therefore high time we begin a permanent process of generating more trust and understanding between these two groups and encouraging LGBTIQ+ people to be more willing to interact with the police.
The campaign provides extensive information on anti-LGBTIQ+ hate crime, how to file a report, where to go for help and support etc. It is intended to help people who have experienced anti-LGBTIQ+ attacks get in touch with the police and file a report.
The campaign starts on 17 May 2023, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). The public phase will begin at the start of May, with displays of materials, including large billboards and escalator ads.
The Centre for Equality will also be distributing the following materials which can be requested free of charge:
- A1 poster
- A2 poster
- Post cards
- Credit-card sized leaflets with tips in case of emergency
The campaign will be rolled out at the following locations:
- U-Bahn stations
- All Munich police stations
- Government buildings
- Community facilities, restaurants and clubs
There is no fixed end date for the campaign. It will be displayed at various locations on a rolling basis.
The following initiatives have also been launched as part of the project:
- Providing information on where LGBTIQ+ associations can go to contact the Munich Police
- A variety of publications on LGBTIQ+ issues in internal police media (employee newsletter, intranet)
- Overhaul of the Munich Police website regarding LGBTIQ+ issues
- Training Youth Officers within the Munich Police
- A talk on the subject of gender identity with members of senior management of the Munich Police
- Attendance of the Munich Police’s day of events in recognition of the International Week Against Racism
- Appearance from the Munich Police Women’s Choir at the Rainbow Concert 2022
- Munich Police information stand at Pride 2022 (and future Pride marches)
Future plans include events hosted jointly by the community and the police and may also include joint events for sports groups, choirs and orchestras or events between police officers and diversity München.
Other plans also include:
- Exhibitions at the Munich Police
- Partnership on historical research and coming to terms with the history
- Other events (readings, guided tours etc.)
- More information events and tours of the Munich Police relating to the LGBTIQ+ community